
Most Common Mistakes New Real Estate Investors Make

Real estate investment can be a lucrative endeavor, offering the potential for substantial returns and diversification of income. However, new investors often make common mistakes that can hinder their success in the field. By understanding and avoiding these pitfalls, individuals can make informed decisions and maximize their investment opportunities in the real estate market.

In this article, we will explore some of the most common mistakes made by new real estate investors and provide helpful advice on how to avoid them. From overlooking due diligence to making emotional decisions and more, we will discuss the key missteps to watch out for and provide valuable insights to ensure a solid plan and successful real estate investment journey.

Lack of Real Estate Education

One of the biggest mistakes a beginner real estate investor can make is diving into the market without a solid understanding of how real estate works. Take the time to educate yourself about different types of properties, market trends, financing options, and local regulations. Failing to conduct thorough research can lead to poor investment decisions and financial losses.

Thousands of free articles and videos are available online, from which new investors can learn the basics and gain a firm foundation of industry knowledge. Forums and groups online also provide a way to ask questions and get answers from fellow investors.

Engaging a local real estate agent is a great way to fill any gap in industry knowledge. Agents, especially those who specialize in helping investors 

Not Doing Enough Research on the Local Market

One of the biggest mistakes that new real estate investors make is not conducting enough research on the local market before making investment decisions. Thorough research is crucial in order to make informed decisions and maximize the chances of a successful investment.

Researching the local market allows investors to understand factors such as land and home values, inventory levels, absorption rates, and average days on the market. This information is essential in determining the viability of a property and its potential for future growth or rental income.

When researching the local market, investors should consider key data points such as recent sales prices, rental incomes, vacancy rates, and crime rates. They should also analyze trends in the real estate market to anticipate future changes in property values and rental demand.

By neglecting to do enough research on the local market, investors risk purchasing a property that may not meet their investment goals or provide the expected return on investment. Thorough research enables investors to make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.

Not Hiring a Team of Professionals

Shot of a young female real estate agent showing a client a house.

Not hiring a team of professionals is one of the most common mistakes new real estate investors make. In the complex world of real estate investing, having a team of experts is crucial for success. These professionals provide invaluable knowledge, expertise, and guidance that can make or break an investment.

First and foremost, it is important to have a realtor as part of the team. A knowledgeable realtor can help investors find the right properties, negotiate deals, and navigate the often complicated process of buying or selling real estate. They have access to market data and can provide insights into current trends and opportunities.

Additionally, a home inspector is essential to assess the condition of a property before making a purchase. They can uncover hidden issues or potential problems that may affect the investment. Without a thorough inspection, investors may end up with costly repairs or unexpected maintenance expenses.

Other professionals, such as a tax strategist and attorney, can help investors navigate the legal and financial aspects of real estate investing. They can provide advice on tax strategies, entity formation, and asset protection, ensuring investors are maximizing their profits and minimizing their liabilities.

For remodeling and managing properties, investors need to have a reliable team of contractors and service providers. This includes a painter, electrician, plumber, roofer, flooring installer, cleaning service, HVAC technician, lawn maintenance team, and general handyman. These professionals play a crucial role in maintaining and improving the property, ensuring it remains attractive to tenants and retains its value.

If a property will be rented to tenants, having a property management company to oversee tenant screening, rent collection and property maintenance can save the owner from the stress of dealing with what are often frustrating and time-consuming tasks.

Not hiring a team of professionals is a major mistake that new real estate investors should avoid. By assembling a team of experts, including a realtor, home inspector, and other specialists, investors can navigate the complexities of the real estate market with confidence and increase their chances of success.

Making Poor Financial Decisions

Making poor financial decisions in real estate investment can have significant consequences on the overall success and profitability of the venture. One common mistake new investors make is getting poor financing options. This could include taking on a high-interest rate mortgage or choosing a loan with unfavorable terms. Inadequate financing can lead to higher monthly payments, reducing the potential return on investment and hindering cash flow.

Another mistake is failing to have a clear investment strategy. Without a defined plan, investors may make impulsive decisions based on emotions or short-term trends. This can result in buying unsuitable properties or overpaying for a property, leading to a lower return on investment.

Not properly planning financial goals is also a common mistake. Investors should have a clear understanding of their long-term objectives, such as the desired level of rental income or the target appreciation rate. Failing to set realistic goals can lead to financial instability and hinder the ability to make informed decisions.

Ultimately, these poor financial decisions can result in negative cash flow, stagnant or decreasing property values, and difficulty selling or renting the property. Therefore, it is crucial for new investors to carefully consider their financial options, develop a clear investment strategy, and set realistic goals to ensure a successful and profitable real estate investment.

Failing to Understand Closing Costs & Taxes Involved in a Deal

Closing costs and taxes impact the overall profitability of an investment, and it is essential for investors to have a clear understanding of them. Not paying attention to these can be an expensive and painful surprise.

Closing costs refer to the expenses incurred during the process of transferring ownership of a property. They include fees for services like property appraisals, inspections, title searches, and legal documentation. Additionally, there are transaction costs such as mortgage fees, loan origination fees, and escrow fees. Ignoring or underestimating these costs can significantly impact an investor’s budget and overall return on investment.

Taxes are another important aspect to consider. Different jurisdictions have varying tax rates, regulations, and exemptions. Investors need to be aware of property taxes, capital gains taxes, and any other taxes that may apply to their specific investment. Failure to account for these expenses can lead to unexpected financial burdens and reduce the profitability of the investment.

Investors should also be aware of the capital gains tax, which is levied on profits made from selling a property. Investment properties are usually held for longer periods of time than other types of investments, meaning that capital gains taxes may play an even larger role than expected.

It is crucial for new investors to thoroughly research and understand the closing costs and tax implications of a real estate deal. This knowledge will enable investors to budget appropriately, make informed decisions, and accurately assess the potential profitability of an investment. By doing so, investors can avoid financial surprises and maximize their returns in the long run.

Not Having an Exit Strategy or Backup Plan

You’ve heard it said that you always need to have a Plan B when doing something difficult. Real estate is no different. Not having an exit strategy and backup plan can be a detrimental mistake for new real estate investors. These strategies are crucial for managing different scenarios and minimizing financial difficulties.

An exit strategy is a predetermined plan on how to exit or sell an investment property. It allows investors to have a clear vision of their end goal and helps them make informed decisions throughout the investment process. Without an exit strategy, investors may find themselves unable to sell the property at the desired time, leading to financial difficulties and a lack of flexibility.

Similarly, a backup plan is essential for mitigating unforeseen circumstances. Real estate investing comes with risks, such as economic downturns, changes in the real estate market, or unexpected repairs. Having a backup plan in place can help investors adapt to these situations and minimize the impact on their finances. For example, if the rental property market becomes saturated, investors can consider alternative strategies like converting the property into a vacation rental or selling it through a rent-to-own agreement.

Not Hiring a Property Management Company When Needed

We touched on this earlier. Hiring a property management company can be an invaluable asset for real estate investors. These companies provide essential services such as tenant screening, lease negotiation, rent collection, maintenance and repairs, and many more. Without their help, it can be difficult for investors to manage multiple properties efficiently. Even if an investor hires part-time or full-time employees to handle some of these tasks, the cost and complexity can quickly become too much for one person to handle.

Poorly managed properties tend to have unhappy tenants and higher turnover rates, further eroding profitability. Making professional property management a priority will improve chances of successful real estate investing.

Jumping into Deals Too Quickly Without Conducting Due Diligence

Look before you leap. It’s a simple maxim even children follow. New real estate investors often jump into deals too quickly without conducting thorough due diligence. Due diligence is the process of researching, analyzing, and evaluating a potential investment property before making a purchase. It is crucial for investors to take the time to gather all relevant information and assess the risks and potential rewards of a deal.

Not conducting due diligence can have serious consequences for investors. They may end up purchasing a property that has hidden issues or does not meet their investment objectives. For example, failing to thoroughly inspect a property could result in unforeseen repair costs, which can eat into potential profits.

Additionally, neglecting to research the market conditions and neighborhood demographics can lead to poor investment decisions. For instance, an investor may overlook a declining market or a high crime rate, which can negatively impact property values and rental incomes.

Other factors that should be considered during due diligence include evaluating the property’s income potential, assessing the condition of the property, analyzing rental incomes and vacancy rates, and evaluating operating expenses such as maintenance costs.

By conducting thorough due diligence, investors can make more informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls. Taking the time to research and analyze the various aspects of a deal can save new investors from costly mistakes and increase their chances of achieving a successful real estate investment.

Underestimating the Time & Money Required for Maintenance & Repairs

Underestimating the time and money required for maintenance and repairs in real estate investing can have significant, even catastrophic consequences for investors. Accurately estimating these costs is crucial to avoid financial losses and ensure the profitability of an investment property.

When investors fail to accurately inspect a property and estimate repair costs, they may face unexpected expenses that can quickly eat into their profits. For example, if a property requires costly repairs, such as a correcting a sinking foundation that was adequately examined prior to purchase, investors may find themselves facing financial strain. This can lead to delayed usage and rentability of the property during repairs, and unforeseen capital outlays to pay for those repairs.

To mitigate such risks, it is essential for investors to have properties inspected prior to purchase. Inspections will uncover problems that could be a major expense down the road. Investors can then avoid purchasing a property, or negotiate for a price that offsets future repair costs.

Once investors purchase a property and begin renting it, they should set aside funds specifically for future repairs. By allocating a portion of the rental income to a reserve account, investors are prepared for potential maintenance and repairs that may arise over time. This ensures that they can handle unexpected expenses without affecting their overall profitability.

Additionally, overspending on renovations can also lead to financial losses. While it is important to improve the property to attract tenants or increase its value, it is crucial to focus on renovations that will provide a positive return on investment. Investors should carefully consider which improvements will yield the highest returns and avoid unnecessary spending on upgrades that may not significantly impact the property’s value.

Ignoring Crime Rate in Neighborhoods

Ignoring crime rates in neighborhoods can be a costly mistake for new real estate investors. It is crucial to consider the crime levels in the area before making any investment decisions.

High crime rates can negatively impact rental incomes, vacancy rates, and resale value. Prospective tenants are likely to avoid areas with a high crime rate, resulting in longer vacancies and reduced rental incomes. Additionally, properties in high-crime neighborhoods tend to have higher turnover rates, as tenants may not feel safe or secure living there. This can lead to increased vacancy rates and difficulty in finding new tenants. Property insurance may be higher in areas that are risky to insure, eating into profitability.

Furthermore, crime also affects the resale value of the property. Buyers are often hesitant to invest in areas with high crime rates, and as a result, property values may not appreciate as much as they would in safer neighborhoods. This can limit the potential return on investment for real estate investors.

To make informed decisions, it is important for investors to research crime statistics, vandalism rates, and safety measures in the area. Look for neighborhoods with lower crime rates or those that have implemented effective community policing or security measures. It is also beneficial to speak with residents, real estate agents, and local authorities to gain insights into the safety of the neighborhood.

Misunderstanding Return on Investment (ROI) Calculations

Misunderstanding Return on Investment (ROI) Calculations can be a common mistake made by new real estate investors. ROI is a crucial concept in real estate investing as it helps investors understand how profitable their investment is and evaluate the potential risks involved.

Return on Investment is calculated by dividing the net profit of an investment property by the initial investment cost, and then multiplying it by 100 to express it as a percentage. It provides a clear understanding of the financial gains or losses associated with an investment.

Failing to consider ROI calculations can lead to significant risks for investors. Without knowing the potential returns, investors may invest in properties that generate low or negative cash flow. This can result in financial strain, limited growth, and even loss of invested capital.

For example, if an investor purchases a rental property for $200,000 and receives $15,000 in annual rental income after deducting expenses, the ROI would be (15,000 / 200,000) x 100 = 7.5%. This means the annual return on the investment is 7.5% of the initial investment.

Understanding ROI calculations can help investors make informed decisions and assess the profitability of different investment opportunities. It enables them to identify properties with higher potential returns and avoid those that may not provide significant financial gains.

Neglecting Rental Incomes and Mortgage Payments

Neglecting rental incomes and mortgage payments is one of the most common mistakes new real estate investors make. Failing to consider these crucial aspects can have significant financial implications and hinder the success of their investment.

Not paying enough attention to rental incomes can result in low or negative cash flow. Investors may unknowingly purchase properties that do not generate enough rental income to cover their mortgage payments, operating expenses, and maintenance costs. This can lead to a negative cash flow situation where investors have to cover the shortfall out of their own pockets, affecting their profitability and overall return on investment.

Furthermore, neglecting mortgage payments can have serious consequences. Defaulting on mortgage payments can result in foreclosure, causing investors to lose not only their investment but also their creditworthiness.

To avoid these pitfalls, it is crucial for new real estate investors to thoroughly analyze the potential rental income of a property and ensure it aligns with their financial goals. They should consider rental market trends, vacancy rates, and the demand for rental properties in the area. Conducting thorough market research and consulting with professionals in the industry can provide valuable insights into rental income potential.

Additionally, investors should focus on attracting reliable tenants by considering their needs and preferences. Providing desirable amenities such as updated kitchens, bathrooms, and convenient parking options can help reduce vacancy rates and attract long-term renters.

Understanding the target demographic is also vital. Investors should invest in properties that align with the preferences and lifestyle of their target tenants. For example, if targeting families, properties near schools and parks may be more desirable.

Overlooking Other Investment Opportunities

Many new real estate investors often overlook various investment opportunities beyond residential homes and commercial properties. By expanding their horizon, they can maximize their potential returns and diversify their real estate portfolio.

One commonly overlooked investment opportunity is vacation rentals. With the rise of platforms like Airbnb and VRBO, investors can capitalize on the growing demand for short-term vacation rentals. The benefits include higher rental incomes and the potential for personal use during off-peak seasons. However, investors should consider the seasonality of the market and the additional costs associated with managing and maintaining vacation rentals. Short-term rentals may not be allowed in some neighborhoods, and they may not be in demand if not near tourist areas or some other draw.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are another option. REITs are companies that pool investors’ money to invest in income-generating real estate. They offer the advantages of diversification, professional management, and the ability to invest in properties that may be out of reach for individual investors. However, REITs are subject to market fluctuations and may have higher fees compared to direct property ownership.

Investing in land is yet another overlooked opportunity. Land investments can offer potential for substantial appreciation in value and various development possibilities. However, investors should thoroughly research zoning regulations, environmental factors, and any potential limitations or restrictions before making a purchase.

It is important for new real estate investors to explore different investment opportunities and carefully weigh the potential benefits and risks associated with each option. Consulting with professionals in the industry and conducting thorough research can help investors make informed decisions to diversify their real estate investment portfolio.

Not Seeking Legal Advice When Needed

One of the most common mistakes new real estate investors make is not seeking legal advice when it is truly needed. Investing in real estate involves various legal aspects that can be complex and overwhelming for those unfamiliar with the legal framework. Failing to consult with a real estate lawyer can lead to costly mistakes and potential legal issues down the line.

Seeking legal advice when investing in real estate is crucial because a real estate lawyer plays a vital role in protecting both parties involved in a transaction. They are experienced professionals who can provide valuable guidance and ensure that all legal requirements are met throughout the investment process.

One important aspect where a real estate lawyer can be of great help is in drafting offers and drawing up sales contracts. These legal documents outline the terms and conditions of the real estate deal and protect the rights and interests of both the buyer and the seller. Without proper legal representation, investors may miss important clauses or overlook potential pitfalls in the contract, leaving them vulnerable to disputes or even financial loss.

Having all agreements and terms documented in writing is another critical benefit of seeking legal advice. This helps to avoid any misunderstandings or miscommunications between the parties involved. Documentation provides a clear record of the agreed-upon terms, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and minimizing the risk of future conflicts.

It’s important to note that real estate agents, while not legally allowed to practice law, do have training in dealing with legal documents related to real estate. Their licensing does allow them to work with real estate documents and prepare them for clients. Most agents use carefully vetted real estate documents that can be used and are trusted for most real estate transactions.

Failing to Set Clear Objectives

Real estate investments require clear and realistic objectives. Without them, it can be easy to become overwhelmed or lose focus when trying to achieve certain goals. It is important for investors to identify their specific goals before investing in order to create a plan that allows them to reach these targets. This helps ensure that the investment meets expectations and provides a good return on investment.

Not Evaluating the Risks Involved

Risk is a part of any real estate investment. It is important for investors to analyze and evaluate the risks involved before investing in order to determine their level of comfort with the transaction. Not doing so can lead to major losses if something unexpected happens or the market changes drastically.

Not Staying Up to Date With Laws and Regulations

Real estate laws and regulations are always changing, so it is important for investors to stay up to date. Not doing so can lead to potential legal issues that can cost time and money. It is important for investors to consult with a qualified attorney or accountant who has knowledge of local laws before investing in any property. Additionally, it is wise to research the local rental market and be aware of any tax incentives that may be available.

On a more local level, a neighborhood HOA could easily derail plans for renting a property to tenants by instituting limits or prohibitions on renting. Before buying a home within an HOA controlled neighborhood, be sure to verify that there are no limitation on renting properties. Even if you do have the right to rent a property when you first buy it, there is always the possibility that right could be removed in the future. Be prepared to sell if needed.


Real estate investing requires patience. The market can be unpredictable, and quick returns are not guaranteed. Rushing into decisions can lead to poor choices and missed opportunities.

It may be necessary to make offers on numerous properties before a deal can be reached. Investors who are impatient may not be willing to stick to their investment criteria, causing them to buy properties that are not in good condition or that won’t return enough to justify the investment.

Be prepared to search for longer than expected to find a suitable property. And be prepared to have multiple offers rejected before finally getting an offer accepted and closed.

Getting Stuck on the 1% Rule

The 1% rule suggests that the monthly rental income should be at least 1% of the property’s purchase price. As an example, a $400,000 property should have a rent of at least $4,000 per month. If the property is not currently bringing this rent, or would not support rent of $4,000 per month, the 1% Rule would suggest skipping this property.

However, this “Rule” is really more of a guideline. A rule is something that normally you can’t break without facing negative consequences. But in fact, in some areas, if you follow the 1% Rule, you’ll probably never find a property that you could buy because the numbers will never work for 95% of properties. In the example above, in many areas, $4,000 rent would be completely unaffordable.

Investors must understand their specific market and determine if the 1% Rule works for them.

Emotional Decision-Making

Allowing emotions to guide your investment choices can cloud your judgment. Base decisions on data, market trends, and financial analysis rather than personal preferences.

Underestimating Expenses

New investors often miscalculate the total costs associated with owning a property. Beyond the mortgage, consider property taxes, insurance, maintenance, vacancies, and property management fees. Accurate expense estimation is crucial for maintaining healthy cash flow.


Taking on too much debt can put you at risk, especially if the rental income doesn’t cover your mortgage payments and expenses. Strive for a reasonable debt-to-equity ratio to ensure you can weather market fluctuations.


This is not an exhaustive list of mistakes that new real estate investors make, but it covers the most common. As you can see, investing takes time, patience, study, the help of many people, and yes, even some good luck.

Fortunately, most of the process of investing in real estate is within your control. Spend time carefully learning about how real estate works. Study the market. Conduct due diligence on each property that you consider buying. Use the help and skill of your real estate agent. And have some fun along the way! Investing in real estate can make you a lot of money if you use common sense and study it.

Kurzner Group is an investor-friendly real estate agency focused on helping investors to acquire investment properties in the Metro Atlanta area. If you are an active investor, or just thinking about real estate investing, we would love to talk with you. Complete the form below and let’s have a free conversation to see how we can help you achieve your investing goals and dreams.

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